Consistency: Small Things Make up the BIG ONES!

Ms. Maria
| | 3 min read


One day, you’ll be as passionate as fire,
The next day, you’ll be as cold as ice,
You continued the passion despite the woes,
Until you claimed the silver and gold.

How did that happen?!

70 kilograms! Apparently, I was OVERWEIGHT. There must be something wrong. I was sure about it!

How could a thin girl all her teenage years hit this weight? How could a thin girl who indulged in two cups of rice, buffet, sweets, and fast food for years without getting fat be like this?

Since I was 25 years old, I had known that my metabolism was getting slower and body changes might happen. As they say, it is a “natural phenomenon for women” hitting their late 20’s. 

The small unhealthy meals I consistently applied everyday were the reasons of the big change of weight. 

A girl is thinking about the small things she consistently did that made up the big ones or mistakes of her life

As a passionate, dedicated woman, I started making changes slowly. It started with SMALL things to reach the BIG goals – to lose almost 15-20 kilograms.

It was challenging since I just started a full-time job with projects on the side. There were many BIG reasons why I couldn’t make up for the goals. Basically, it’s time that mattered the most.

But when I decided that I wanted it, I committed myself to achieve something DAILY no matter how SMALL they appeared to be.

What were the SMALL things I did?

1. Walked as much as possible.
2. Lessened rice gradually.
3. Included vegetables, yogurt, and healthy dishes into my meals.
4. Watched inspirational fitness short videos every chance I could get.
5. Read articles, especially tips, on how I could improve my lifestyle.
6. Grabbed the opportunity to jog, hike, or any activity to make me sweat.

After three months of continuously doing it, I finally hit the DESIRED WEIGHT – 52 kilograms! 

What made it possible was not the EXTREME EXERCISE since I never had experienced going beyond one or two hours. Definitely, it’s not the AMOUNT OF VEGETABLES included in every meal. Sure, there were moments I still ate processed food. 

What made it POSSIBLE was this magic word: CONSISTENCY. 

Consistency, indeed, is challenging to practice but worth the effort.

It must consist of small things to make up the big ones but the small things are usually DREADFUL. However, the goals are always within reach when properly applied. 

This event made me rethink and reevaluate the importance of consistency. I suddenly realized that it had always been my WEAPON since I was younger.

    1. My public speaking got honed after consistently sharing thoughts and ideas in our small group way back in high school. This skill eventually became my advantage as an educator and trainer.
    2. Passing the Licensure Examination for Teachers in 2015 must be credited to my consistent 1-2 hours of reading notes everyday. Despite not being enrolled in a review center, I was able to pass it with good ratings.
    3. Endless stories to my friends and students were products of my consistent reading of books, articles, magazines, and others. It wasn’t even a big effort as I could do it only within a minute of the day or night before sleeping.

Perhaps, these small things are the missing pieces and answers of every result we have. 

Simon Sinek, a prominent author and motivational speaker, once mentioned in his interview the difference of consistency and intensity. As he said, he couldn’t promise WHEN it will happen but “he knows one day” it will happen.

Achieving CONSISTENCY is a different story. It solely depends on YOU.

In all honesty, we can find MILLION reasons to turn our back to our goals, resolutions, plans, and others. There will be days that you just want to STOP and go back to the start. 

Distractions are everywhere but here are some reminders to make us stick with consistency.

Consistency is similar with HABITS. As they said, bad habits are difficult to break. This was elaborated by Jason Demers, the Founder and CEO of Audience Bloom, in his guest post in According to him, it’s the POSITIVE HABITS formed that make up one’s values and character.

Man is successful in getting the big ones through consistent application of small things

I can’t imagine one person who will get rich just because he decided to save money for ONE INVESTMENT.

No one will be smart just because he finished reading ONE BOOK.

A person cannot build an online empire by just ONE POPULAR POST.

Sure, they are steps but it’s the consistency of small things that help us to REACH and SUSTAIN the gold.

These good habits, when stopped even just for two days, might translate to bad habits. All the efforts from the beginning are WASTED. Instead of stopping, why not focus on the prize?

What should I do then? Is it too late?

It’s not!

Start with a DECISION as EARLY as now!

Achieve SOMETHING SMALL daily!

Don’t STOP no matter how difficult it is for you now!


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Ms. Maria

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Anna Alvarez
Dec 7, 2018 11:51 AM

Why is it so hard to be consistent? Lalo na ngayon, it’s holiday feels and everyone wants to enjoy. Yes. Everyone includes myself. No matter how many times we stop, we just need to keep going. Yes for consistency!

Micah Cruz
Dec 15, 2018 9:40 AM
Reply to  Anna Alvarez

Dami distractions e. Hahaha.
