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Last Updated | Jul 31, 2021 |
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This is AFPSAT Exam Reviewer Guide file for logical type questions. AFSAT means Armed Forces of the Philippines Service Aptitude Test. Aspiring individuals who wish to join the Armed forces of the Philippines must first pass this entry qualifying exam.
Anyway, my focus is to give you an idea about the exam. It's almost the same with entrance exam that you usually take before you enter your college school. However, the examination is more on understanding the basic constitution, a little bit of mathematics, general information, and questions that assess your logical reasoning.
As much as I want to give you a sample exam, I don't have it right now. This AFPSAT exam reviewer guide will only teach you to answer logical reasoning in AFPSAT exam. Logical reasoning has different types. It can be inductive, deductive, abstract, etc. This is the hardest part of any exam. Thus, you better start reviewing here.
Soon, I will also upload reviewers or guides in answering basic mathematics and Philippine Constitution.
Just wait for my other upload here.