Checklist before the board exam

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    Anna AlvarezAnna Alvarez

    There are so many articles on how to prepare for the board exam but we rarely talk about what to do before the big day. Although it’s good to have the final review checklist, I think that day is meant for something else.

    1. Prepare essentials. This includes the requirements needed before the big day. Include ID, address of school or venue, pen, paper, and others.

    2. Motivate yourself. Watch a movie or relax. Listen to music or read a story. This boosts one’s morale when we revisit the reason of why we’re doing it.

    3. Reflect & pray. In this way, we create the right mindset. Wake up filled with excitement and peace.

    I think more than testing one’s knowledge, board exam is meant to test someone’ preparedness of the battle.

    This can’t be done without peace of mind, and strong mind.

    Donnie MauricioDonnie Mauricio

    This is the most crucial part of being a student. I remember the feeling of getting nervous while being nervous due to an examination. I honestly don’t want to take it not prepared but I have to do it for survival.

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