How to get productive everyday

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  • #154955
    Ruds SottoRuds Sotto

    Productivity comes with efficiency.  You cannot just do a lot of things without checking the output of your effort. This is very important whenever we do our daily tasks. We must always seek productivity whenever we wake up everyday.  I’m going to share in this post on how I get productive by just doing 4 things.

    1. Use a planner

    One trait of a successful person is they use planner. You too can be successful by listing down your tasks in a daily, weekly or monthly basis.  Having a planner makes you motivated to accomplish all the tasks you have on that particular day.  This can also help you organized your schedule. You wont just be productive but also efficient.

    2. Incorporate Physical Exercise daily

    Perhaps, you are running out of task to do and you are not that busy person. Well, you forget one thing.  Never miss to do daily exercise. You can actually feel the  sense of productivity if you do your exercise early in the morning. This gives you more energy throughout the day and makes you look refreshed.

    3. Work Smart, Never Work Hard

    When say productivity, it doesn’t only pertain to the task that you personally accomplish. If a task is not worthy of your time, you can outsource it or let others do it for you.  You can be more efficient and productive if you know how to delegate tasks.

    4. Sleep Early, Wake Up Early

    To achieve productivity, it needs good mental and physical health. Never ever  sacrifice your sleep.  You are more productive if you have enough sleep. Also, do more things early in the morning. That is the time that your brain is active and you can think and make good decisions.

    These are the four ways that you can follow on how to get productive everyday. We can all practice this if we choose productivity and efficiency at the same time. I wish that you learned something from this post. I am happy to here your thoughts about this. Thank you so much for reading!

    • This topic was modified 4 years ago by Ruds SottoRuds Sotto.
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