We give so much when we review for our board exam. We also spend money in buying reviewers and enrolling in some online classes. Are all this worthy? I’m going to share today on how to review for your board exam.
1st, understand you learning style.
It is very important that you know your learning style before anything else. Do you prefer learning by watching videos? listening to podcast? or by just reading notes?
If our learning style is clear to us, then the retention of ideas is longer than what we could imagine.
2nd, join a group.
The more we interact to the people who has the same interest with us, the higher our motivation to keep going and learning. Sometimes, we find it boring to open our review materials but if we feel that we are just making a conversation to a group of people, we don’t notice that we are also learning at the same time. Can you imagine that? Having a group for 1 year and you have been brainstorming about the possible questions in board exam?
3rd, teach it.
When you learning something new. Teach it to other who needs your help too. The more we teach and explain what we have studied the longer it stays on our memory.
These are the three techniques that you might consider in reviewing for your board exam. Try and apply it. Then come back here and tell me your experiences.
Perhaps, you have other techniques that you can share here. Feel free to comment below.
This topic was modified 4 years ago by
Zac Rodela.
This topic was modified 4 years ago by
Zac Rodela.