It’s sad to think that life is so short. We don’t have any idea when will our life end.
I visited the cemetery today. Unlike the previous years, it was empty and very few people stayed in the graveyard of their love ones. While I was lighting up some candles in my grandmother’s tomb, I did realized a lot of things.
First, Life is indeed too short.
We don’t know what lies ahead of us. We are not certain about life. Your love ones may be with you now but we don’t know when will be the last time.
It is sad to think that Life here on earth is temporary. When you die, you will leave the memories with your love ones every time they think of you or visit your tomb. That’s a memory that will always make them sad.
Second, People come and go.
We meet people. We share experiences with them, may it be good or bad memories. It sad to think that people come and go in life. We invest time and rapport with people but the fact is they will be gone soon. One day, One month, or One year you’ll be with someone that you love, but at the end, they’ll need to go.
As we remember the souls of those who died, let us put in our mind that we are all humans. Our life my be temporary here on earth but there is another life that awaits us. A life that is eternal and full of joy.
This topic was modified 4 years ago by
Sarah Jay.