Problem has domino effect

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  • #19518
    Emmanuel SolomonEmmanuel Solomon

    Problem is everywhere. You may be suffering from one to two problems today. Everyone has it. But in general, one problem may lead to another problem. Problem has a domino effect. It multiplies. What is my point about this. If you have a problem today, let’s say a relationship problem, don’t let this issue affects other things in your life. This is a very common situation among us. Most of the time, if you have a problem with your partner, it also affects your relationship to your family. At the same time, it destroys your decision making. The way you manage your budget, your work, and the tasks you do daily. This one simple problem multiplies and creates another problem. Think of one problem that you have today. Does it cause more problems to you? Think of financial problem? or issue in you work? Do they create another problem because you let them go beyond everything else? We need to learn how to handle problems properly. It will either destroy us or define us as a person.

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