Types of Work Schedule or Setup in Job Advertisements

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  • #22889
    Anna AlvarezAnna Alvarez

    I just wanna share the different work schedule listed in job advertisements.

    1. Regular Office Hours: In the Philippines, this pertains to Monday to Friday, 8:00AM – 5:00PM. Sometimes, it can be 9:00AM – 6:00PM or 10:00AM – 7:00PM.

    2. Graveyard Shift: For BPO Industry, fixed schedule is very rare. It’s an 8-hour shift from 8PM until 11AM the next day.

    3. Flexible Home-based Schedule: This could be one of the best setup. It’s flexible so it’s mostly meeting minimum hours in a week. Let’s say the requirement is 35 hours. You can work on a Monday for 5 hours but longer hours the next day.

    4. Home-based Fixed Schedule: It’s quite the same with the schedule in the office. The only difference is that you’re at home.

    5. Seasonal Job: I included this because it can be quite tricky. It’s contractual, mostly 1-3 months. You can work as long as 15 hours in a day. The payout could be higher than usual but not a stable job.

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