LinkedIn Account Opportunities for Filipino Professionals

Ms. Maria
| | 3 min read

What’s the purpose of creating a LinkedIn account? When I first created one before, I’ve had no idea how I’d be able to use it. It’s hard to believe that LinkedIn account opportunities exist!

LinkedIn looks like the usual social media account except that it looks professional. Everybody uses a decent looking display picture while boasting their career highlights.

Instead of “adding friends”, one is able to “connect” with strangers. The only difference is that it’s more acceptable to add people within your industry, university or companies. This is way different from Facebook, Twitter, and others in which connecting with personal friends is more common.

It’s also notable that everybody in LinkedIn is busy creating opportunities.

Regardless if you’re looking for a job, or recruiting someone to join your company, each user has a clear purpose.

In my experience, I managed to notch three gigs just because of a simple message in LinkedIn.

Let me share what LinkedIn account opportunities are in store for you!

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Online Career Presence

We live in the digital world, and social media accounts will be part of our identity! Nowadays, people find their potential workers online. They even conduct background checking online.

How do we let others know about our career achievements? That’s where LinkedIn comes in.

LinkedIn allows its users to display the following details:

  • Current Position
  • Work Experience
  • Education
  • Licenses & Certifications
  • Skills & Endorsements
  • Accomplishments
  • Interests

The best thing is that you can choose which one must be displayed in your public profile!

If I were a recruiter, I would look like for someone with specific skills required for the position. Let’s say I found your profile and found that you have 5 years of experience in accounting.

You already set your edge over the other applicants.

Linkedin account

Right Connections

Let’s admit. One of the challenging parts of being in social media is the wrong connection. Or, most of the time, the groups are simply overwhelming.

There are groups for dog lovers, KPop stan, car enthusiasts, and others! In LinkedIn, you’ll be able to find your right connections through any of the following:

  • Groups
  • Hashtags
  • Events
  • Profile

Honestly, I have seen so many new connections sending messages. All they do is let the new connection know about new job openings and others.

Don’t be surprised if you receive this message from a new connection soon. That’s one of the LinkedIn account opportunities.

Hi! I am Mark, a senior recruiter of Juan Corporation. Based on your profile, we feel that you’re a perfect fit for the position. Will you be interested to be part of our team? If yes, send an email at

Speaking of this message, let’s jump in to the next opportunity.

Connect with our Instructor’s LinkedIn Accounts

Work Invitations

As I have mentioned earlier, I was able to work for three gigs through LinkedIn. The first one is for a training opportunity while the second and third ones were for a course writing.

Don’t be surprised if they find you! LinkedIn Premium offers tools to recruiters to match their desired applicants.

Of course, it’s definitely based on what you will enter in your profile. That’s why it’s very important to be honest and specific with your job descriptions to find the best LinkedIn account opportunities.

If you feel that you’re not getting enough job invitations, it’s time for you to find your own.

Click on JOBS and you can SEARCH FOR YOUR NEXT JOB.

eLearning for Free

What else can we do during our free time but to do a self-investment? LinkedIn has offered courses for free that you can enroll.

From job interviews to digital training, you can find them for free! As of this writing, the trending courses are the following:

  • Powerpoint: From Outline to Presentation
  • Creating Screen Capture Training
  • Project Management Foundations: Budgets
  • Photoshop for Teaching and Learning

Linkedin Account Opportunities

Advertise your Work

Here’s one of the LinkedIn account opportunities for professionals, recruiters and even self-employed!

Are you a self-employed professional with your own website? Maybe you have started your journey in your own business.

Whatever it is, you can definitely advertise your work through LinkedIn. Find potential leads, advertise your post, promote your website, and others.

Here are the suggested ways to boost your company:

  • Talent Solutions: Attract all potential workers.
  • Sales Solutions: Unlock sales opportunities.
  • Post a job: Look for quality candidates.
  • Marketing Solutions: Grow business and connect with customers.
  • Learning Solutions: Develop talents across your organization.

FAQs on LinkedIn Account Opportunities

Is it free to create a LinkedIn account? 

Yes! Free LinkedIn account is open for everyone. Everyone can enjoy various benefits even if you only have the basic or free membership. If you wish to add features, then it’s time for you to upgrade to LinkedIn premium.

Can I recruit or send invitations with a basic account?

Messages are free! You can send messages to anyone even though it’s a basic account. In fact, I receive multiple invitations in a day. Most of the are from financial advisors, freelance recruiters, and HR staff from technology companies.

Got questions? Comment below, post learning, or write articles.

Ms. Maria

Share ideas & create opportunities!

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Sherra Han
Apr 26, 2021 1:51 PM

Had so many opportunities because of LinkedIn. Happy with this professional community
