NLE Results: Nursing Board Exam Top Performing Schools

Ms. Maria
| | 3 min read

Filipino nurses are competent, valued health professionals not just in the Philippines but also around the world. Our country has become a reliable source of nurses, and it’s been proven most especially in 2020.

If this is your dream job, your first step is to pass the Nursing Licensure Examination (NLE).

Nursing Licensure Examination (NLE) is a standardized test conducted by PRC. This department releases official announcements such as application, schedule, and topics.

The examination coverage includes the following:

  • 1 – Basic Foundation of Nursing and Professional Nursing Practice
  • 2 – Community Health Nursing and Care of the Mother and Child
  • 3 – Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alterations (Part A)
  • 4 – Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alterations (Part B)
  • 5 – Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alterations (Part C)

This board exam, which is conducted twice a year, measures every competency needed to prepare the health professional to stand out in the industry.

What are the chances of passing the exam?

In November 2019, 7,627 out of 13,816 (55.20%) got the license to be a professional nurse! This proves how challenging it might be for aspiring nurses. The extensive test indeed requires studying all the possible topics!

Although where someone studies is not the only factor, it’s best to know the NLE top performing schools in the past years.

NLE Top Performing Schools (2019)

In November 2019, three schools claimed the top spots for the top performing schools. This includes the following: University of Sto. Tomas (338 passers), Saint Louis University (191 passers) & DLSU-Dasma-HSC (67 passers). Its definitely a remarkable achievement to have all takers to obtain a license!

The other top performing schools were Velez College (97 out of 98 takers) and Benguet State University (67 out of 66).

Meanwhile, the topnotcher, Shaina Kei Cruz Watanabe, is a pride of Davao Doctors College.

June 2019 results showed a different set of top performing schools! It was lead by West Visayas State University La Paz (163 passers), Xavier University (102 passers) and Silliman University (46 passers).

Fun Fact: 12 students from the Top 10 spots graduated from West Visayas State University La Paz! That’s a BIG year for this university. Congratulations!

The 2nd and 3rd places were taken by University of St. La Salle (69 out of 70 takers) and Universidad de Santa Isabel (58 out of 59).

west visayas state university

NLE Top Performing Schools (2018)

Let’s take a look at the 2018 top performing schools! For November 2018, University of Sto. Tomas claimed the solo spot for the top performing schools. 337 students obtained their license!

The highest place, with a rating of 87.80%, was also a student of UST – Jennifer Jacob Quirante.

Saint Louis University with 98.5% is also a top performing school in 2019. On the other hand, Mariano Marcos State University – Batac recorded 96.25% passing rate.

It seems that West Visayas State University – La Paz has been consistently producing nurses in our country! In June 2018 NLE, they delivered another 100% passing rate. 170 students of this university complied with the standard rating!

Another familiar university is Velez College with 70 students. Xavier University landed on the same top spot with 59 students.

NLE Top Performing Schools (2017)

Three years ago, will they still matter? Of course! Some of the universities highlighted above ruled the same spots. University of Sto. Tomas (100%), Saint Louis University (93.39%) and Benguet State University (98.15%).

In June of the same year, the top performing school is Xavier University (100%), West Visayas State University – La Paz (99.21%) and Bicol University – Legazpi (84.47%).

Schools can never be the only factor of passing NLE. But, most of them offer review sessions or online coaching. We can look into these pages, and check what they can offer.

To all NLE takers, you may visit the PRC website for official announcements.

Ms. Maria

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Lisa Dana
Oct 16, 2020 3:47 PM

May schedule na ba yung next Board Exam?

Maria Cara
Oct 11, 2020 8:57 PM

Wow! Ang galing ng West Visayas State University La Paz!
