PWU Professors: What Makes Them Our Second Parents

Melanie Alberto
| | 3 min read

How I missed my teachers, especially the PWU professors! Wherever you are, I hope you’re all safe and well! 

At the age of 5, I have started my academic life. It was also the first time I encountered my first teacher, Miss Nova.

When I think of her, I always imagine a warm, kind person. Her voice was soothing enough to calm down children who are whining and crying nonstop.

She also prepared different kinds of tricks to capture our attention. Well, no wonder she succeeded every time she used it.

The memories of my childhood are blurry enough to feel like it was a dream. But, I knew for a fact that she was the first person who made us, children, dream. And with the dreams she planted, I have started my journey.

As they say, parents are the ones who brought us up, but teachers are those who nurtured us.

PWU Professors

Then boom! 12 years later, I am already a graduate student “With Honors” of the Senior High at Philippine Women’s University JASMS. The journey is rough, but I was able to overcome it with the help of my PWU professors.

Read: PWU JASMS: My Senior High Adventure in Manila

Teaching is not an easy job that everyone else can do. In order to be one, a person must have a heart for it and, that’s what I saw among my PWU professors. They don’t do it for money, but for the love teaching alone.

That’s what makes them outstanding and worthy of respect!

So, let me share with you the characteristics of my beloved PWU professors

Dedication in Teaching

PWU professors are dedicated in teaching. They love sharing their knowledge to their dear students. Aside from the traditional lecture, they showcase their creativity to get our attention.

I remember laughing so loud in the middle of class due to the humor of my professor. HAHAHA.

It was really embarrassing but such a nice memory. These are the ones you won’t forget.


In times of need and guidance, they were at my vulnerable side.

Whenever I have troubles and in need of answers, they are extremely open and welcoming. They give tips on how to improve our well-being and pieces of advice regarding decision-making. Without a doubt, they love talking with us and I feel welcomed.

Additionally, PWU professors are easy to talk with despite the age gap. You don’t feel that you’re discussing things with someone who is 20 years older than you!

We even share ‘chismis’ such as school crushes, and personal issues.

Understanding among Students

Students are not foreign to stress and workloads. I experienced sleepless nights just to finish work while attending the morning class right away.

Due to these problems, we are prone to heavy pressure, anxiety and depression. However, PWU professors give us what we call ‘rest time’ to us this chance whenever we are on the verge of collapsing.

They even allowed us to sleep and do our ‘kaartehan’. I really miss those times. Fun and Chill, as they say.

Furthermore, they are particularly considerate and understanding person in terms of asking us how much work load we have. If we have enough for our hands, they will immediately try to lessen our burden by not giving any.

PWU professors make my journey fulfilling and memorable. I will never forget all the embarrassment I did during the classes.

I remember slapping one sleepy classmate during Teacher Perdi’s class. My teacher caught us on the act! He told us to stand and ask why I was slapping my friend’s face. Gosh! That was the first time I wished my life to be buried right away because of embarrassment. Embarrassing, but memorable!

PWU Professors - Class

Having spent my senior high at PWU JASMS and meeting this respectable, knowledgeable professors are the greatest treasures I have right now. I will never forget their teachings as well as the memories we shared.

” To all the teachers out there especially to my PWU Professor, I salute you with all my life. You’re the lifeline of growing students. You deserve to be acknowledged for the job you’ve done. Without you, there will be no us, student. ” 

Melanie Alberto

I love writing articles as well as doing photography. As an aspiring journalist, I have a strong passion for these activities!

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