TESDA FREE Online Courses for Students and Professionals

Ms. Maria
| | 4 min read

Enroll in 50+ TESDA Free online courses at home! Boost your skills, prepare for work, get promoted, and claim certificates for free.

When we think of online courses, we immediately go to prominent sites such as Udemy, Coursera, or Course Hero. What we forget is the initiative of our government to provide free learning to all students and professionals through TESDA.

TESDA has provided endless opportunities and scholarships since it was founded in 1994. True to its label, Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, it is famous for giving training to Filipinos.

I, myself, have obtained two TESDA Certifications. One is for Contact Center Services NCII, and the other is for Trainers Methodology 1. I have always wanted a foreign language certification, and I’ll try this in the future.

But aside from the traditional classes, you can take advantage of TESDA free online courses. The good news is that you can do all of these at home!

Create an account to enroll in TESDA Free Online Courses

To create your own course dashboard, visit e-Tesda.gov.ph.

Click Log in, and create an account. Fill out the form with the following:

1. Basic Information
2. Status: Student, Employed, and Unemployed
3. Address: To recommend the courses near your place
4. Valid Email Address

Activate your account and start choosing the free course for you!

Top TESDA Free Online Courses to Enhance Soft Skills

If you are looking to enhance your soft skills, you better start watching and enrolling yourself to these courses.
You can work on your communication skills, computer literacy, financial management, and even management related to COVID-19.

1. 21st Century Skills related to Communication

In this course, you will learn how to participate in workplace environment. Get to know proper business communication among your coworkers and supervisors.

TESDA Free online course for Communication

2. 21st Century Skills related to Environmental Literacy
As business shift to more eco-friendly strategies, it is necessary for you to keep up with these ideas. Consider enrolling yourself among TESDA free online courses. Manage resources and choose sustainable development.

 Environmental Literacy free online course

3. Job Interview Skills Training Course

Ace your interview and get to know the proper techniques to get hired. In this course, you will be familiar with different questions and responses so you can deal better with your interviewer and future company.

Top TESDA Free Online Courses for Technical Skills

1. Computer System Servicing NCII

If there’s any in demand industry nowadays, it has to be gadgets and computers. Learn how to install and configure systems, CSS, and set up computer networks through Computer Servicing System NCII.

TESDA CSS for beginners

2. Front Office Services NCII

What are the duties of a front desk officer? Know their responsibilities and be aware on what to do if you get deployed to one of the offices or hotels in the Philippines.

Front Desk Course

3. Food and Beverage Services NC II (TWC)

Increase knowledge and awareness on the tasks and nature of work for food and beverage service staff.

Top TESDA Free Online Courses for Trainers

1. Trainers Methodology I
2. Trainers Methodology II
3. Appreciate Course on Flexible Learning

If you have completed the online courses, NCII and NCIII certifications, you may want to consider getting these courses. The lessons are free, and you can get the certificates with additional fees near accredited TESDA branches.

Complete List of TESDA Free Online Courses for Students and Professionals

A. 21st Century Skills

1. Communication
2. Environmental Literacy

B. Agriculture

1. Aquaponic Food Production
2. Organic Agriculture Production NC II
3. eLearning for Agriculture and Fisheries
4. Fruit Grower

C. Appreciation Course on Flexible Learning

D. Automotive

1. Automotive Battery Servicing
2. Diesel Engine Tune Up

E. Construction

1. Plumbing NC II

F. Cordillera Administrative Region

1. Baguio City School of Arts and Trades
2. Regional Training Center (RTC) Baguio

G. Electrical and Electronics

1. Computer System Servicing NC II
2. Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II
3. Solar Night Light Assembly

H. Entrepreneurship

2. STAR Online Training Program
3. Managing Your Personal Finances
4. Start and Improve Your Business

I. FREE Courses Relevant to COVID-19 Management

1. Contact-tracing FREE Coursera course
2. COVID-19 Awareness
3. COVID-19 General Duties
4. COVID-19: How to put on and remove personal protective equipment (PPE)
5. Learning Online during COVID-19
6. Managing TVET during COVID-19
7. Standard precautions: Hand hygiene
8. Teaching Online During COVID-19
9. The Health Effects of Climate Change

J. Heating,Ventilation and Air Condition

1. Packaged Air Conditioner Unit Servicing

K. Human Health/ Health Care

1. Barangay Health Services NC II
2. Massage Therapy NC II

Get these TESDA free online courses!


1. STEM in TVET Curriculum Guide Writeshop
2. STEM in TVET Train the Trainers Workshop

M. Information and Communication Technology

1. ICT Courses
a. SMART Android Mobile Apps Development for Beginners
b. SMART Technopreneurship 101

2. Microsoft Online Courses
a. C# Fundamentals for Beginners

3. Udemy Courses
a. Android 4.0 Programming in Java
b. Web Development using HTML5 and CSS3

N. Lifelong Learning Skills

a. Job Interview Skills Training Course
b. Skills to Succeed Academy

O. Maritime

1. Ships’ Catering NC III (Updates)

P. National Capital Region

1. Quezon City Lingkod Bayan Skills Development Center
a. Computer System Servicing NC II (QCLBSDC)
b. Facilitate eLearning Sessions (QCLBSDC)
c. Trainers Methodology I (QCLBSDC)

2. TESDA Women’s Center
a. Facilitate eLearning Sessions (TWC)
b. Food and Beverage Services NC II (TWC)
c. Food Processing NC II (TWC)

Q. National Institute for Technical Education and Skills Development

1. Curriculum and Training Aids Development Division
2. Technology Research Development Division

R. National TVET Trainers Academy

1. Facilitate eLearning Sessions (Multiplier)
2. Trainers Methodology I

S. Process Food and Beverages

1. Food Processing NC II

T. Social, Community Development and Others

1. Beauty Care Services (Nail Care) NCII

U. Tourism

1. Bread and Pastry Production NC II
2. Cookery NC II
3. Food and Beverage Services NC II
4. Front Office Services NC II
5. Housekeeping NC II


1. Trainers Methodology I
2. Trainers Methodology II

FAQ’s on TESDA Online Courses

Will I be able to enroll in online courses even if I’m still a student?

Yes. You can enroll in online courses as long as you have a valid email address. Click the activation link to access your dashboard.

Does it provide e-certificates?

Some courses have free e-certificates as long as you pass the assessment. You can mark the course complete, and claim the certificates.

I’m a fresh graduate. Can I add these certificates on my resume?

Absolutely! Let the recruitment officers know that you’re able to complete these courses. Go to the left side bar of the page, and check the competencies for each course. You can also attach or upload private files.

How will I know if I’m enrolled in TESDA online course?

You will get a welcome email that you’re enrolled in the course. All other lessons and requirements will be displayed.

Good luck!

Ms. Maria

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Emely Sandoval
Jun 23, 2021 9:06 PM

Nice one! Dami pang time. Magpa certified na. Dagdag skills din yan at context sa job interview.

Apr 26, 2021 7:53 PM

Laking tulong po nito. Salamat tesda sana mabigyan ako scholarship

Apr 26, 2021 7:51 PM

Saan po makikita yung activation link

Apr 26, 2021 7:52 PM
Reply to  Kiel

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