Tips to Pass College Entrance Exam in the Philippines

Ms. Maria
| | 3 min read

Your dream university awaits you! As soon as you get the passing mark, you can live the college life you’ve always dreamed of.  But, what are the tips to pass the college entrance exam that you should know?

In the Philippines, top universities require passing of college entrance exams.UPCAT, ACET, USTET, DCAT and PUPCET are some of the most common tests.

While the scope is quite similar, questions and passing score vary based on qualifications. Not to mention, each course has unique set of skills requirement.

If you want to pass every college entrance exam in the Philippines, you need to start reviewing and prepare for it.

What should you do then?

Tips to Pass College Entrance Exam

1-2 Years before the Exam: Is it too early?

  1. Research the schedule of exams. Most entrance tests are conducted a year or 6 months before your senior high school graduation. It’s better to know the schedule ahead of time for the passing of exam
  2. Meet the passing HS remark of each course. It’s time to give your best in your last years of high school. Some universities give perks or exemptions in test fees if you have outstanding remarks.
  3. Assess the exam coverage, and start collecting reviewers. Your goal is to develop the critical and test skills so it’s better to prepare early.
  4. Start reading general information and current events. Don’t you know that tests usually include these details? They don’t just assess your academic knowledge, but also social awareness.

6 Months before the Exam: Should I start reviewing?

  1. Decide whether you will attend a review center, or do self-review. Both are effective ways in passing the exam. Should you decide to attend a review center, prepare yourself (or your parents) for additional expenses (worthy investments).
  2. Schedule 2-3 hours of self-review daily! Final years of high school can be really exhausting. You need to pass several requirements, right? But, don’t forget of your long-term goal. Make sure to review when you have free time.
  3. Participate in online groups and access resources for the college entrance exam. You can never guess the exact questions but you can always hone your test and critical thinking skills. Why not answer all possible tests? And, don’t give up until you get a perfect score!
  4. Revisit your old notes, lessons and exams. Don’t throw them away yet! You’ll be able to review them when needed.
  5. Follow your dream university for updates. Each college releases their own announcements (and tips) whenever possible. Get information from official websites and social media accounts especially for the schedule of exam.

During the Exam: Most important tips to pass college entrance exam

  1. Listen to the proctor and follow instructions. It will be horrifying to know that you failed since you missed the important steps. Before you answer item 1, read the test paper instructions as well.
  2. Don’t be intimidated by the time limit. This is the usual problem for every test-taker. Manage your time, and always check on it if the items are too difficult.
  3. Skip the difficult ones, and proceed to the easy items first. I’ve used this technique all the time and it has never failed me. Don’t waste your precious 15 minutes answering 1 difficult problem.
  4. When you see a familiar question, don’t answer it immediately. Read the choices, and choose the best one. Don’t get tricked!
  5. When reading long texts, make sure to check the questions first. In this way, you will know exactly what you’re looking for.
  6. Don’t eat or drink too much. Of course, it depends on your style but I honestly feel that eating or drinking too much will distract you from answering the exam. Be alert and remind yourself that it’s once in a lifetime.

After the Exam: What should I do?

  1. Patiently wait for the results. Don’t get discouraged no matter how difficult it is. Some students get anxious while waiting for the announcements. It is unnecessary and will just ruin your daily activities.
  2. Prepare for your other exams. Is it your first test? Then, don’t stop until you finish all scheduled exams in your list.
  3. Enjoy the final days of your senior high school. I also believe that choosing a university is one of the most importance decisions in your life right now. But, the test is done, and you can’t change it anymore. Don’t worry too much, and focus on your present. 🙂

Remember, the exam is just the first step of your tertiary education.

I hope that you bookmark this article and go back to the questions below.

Do you want to start reviewing? Visit this page – College Entrance Exam Reviewer – 520+ Questions.

Did you pass your college entrance exam?

Congratulations! Remember that you worked hard for it. Cherish your opportunity, and choose wisely especially in choosing your course and friends.

Were you not able to meet the passing score?

You’re still awesome no matter what! Embrace new directions, and discover new opportunities. You still have a long way to go.

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College Entrance Exam Tips: You Got This


Ms. Maria

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Jun 2, 2024 12:47 PM

incoming college
how can I review the examination if I don’t have anything to review?

Aug 2, 2021 9:59 AM

Incoming Grade 11 student. I want to prepare as early as possible. How do you handle this? Do you study 2-3 hours daily for your college entrance test?

Mary Jane Villar
Jul 30, 2021 5:58 PM

Hey everyone! If you’re reading this, I just want to tell you na kaya mo yan. 1st step palang ang exam. The results won’t matter in 1 or 5 years. Don’t be disappointed if get a low score. Or if hindi ka pumasok sa gusto mong university.

You will enter college where you belong! Laban cutie

Sherra Han
Apr 26, 2021 1:49 PM

Nakakakaba naman! Huhuhuhu
